Whether the UK leaves the EU with or without a trade deal, the UK government will claim it has achieved a victory: the UK will have regained its sovereignty after 45 years. However sovereignty [...]
Vaccine approval by the MHRA and the early supplies of the Pfizer drug from Belgium are both welcome, only anti-vaxers would say otherwise, but why has the government suddenly altered the top [...]
Many people believe that Boris Johnson should have sacked his Home Secretary, Priti Patel, for breaching the ministerial code. Certainly the Prime Minister’s personal advisor Sir Anthony Allan [...]
We define a good leader as one who is appropriate for the situation: someone who brings stability to chaotic upheaval, or conversely someone who brings disruptive change to stagnant inertia. In [...]
Reputation damage is costly and that is why so many people and organisations would like to insure it against loss. Unfortunately it cannot be insured because reputation is a behavioural risk; [...]
Borders are critical as any student of political geography will tell you, irrespective of what is happening in Azerbaijan or Ulster. The can that has been kicked down the road for three years [...]
Today the contact tracing app is finally launched as part of the UK government strategy to combat the covid virus. Will this be a useful tool or another expensive experiment in centralised big [...]
Viral epidemics have been part of human civilisation for centuries. Black Death in the fourteenth and Plague in the seventeenth, are only the most famous but there were many more local [...]
Risk is a choice you take having balanced the cost against the gain. In the corporate investment world a vast number of factors are considered in taking financial risk. By contrast in the legal [...]
What is the greatest risk to reputation? It must surely be that people decide you cannot be trusted to deliver on your promises. Relationships, both personal and commercial depend on trust as a [...]