Reputation is a precious commodity to a business or leader, damage can not only destroy current value but future value and trust. Studying reputational damage and corporate governance for over 30 [...]
Yesterday I had the pleasure to speak at #Henley Business School on the #Board Directors Programme courtesy of @Andrew Kakabadse. My topic ‘What boards need to know about risk’ was well received [...]
There are only two possible risk outcomes: lucky and wrong. It is worth examining the role of luck and why some outcomes are luckier than others. Friday the thirteenth is supposed to be an [...]
The rate of confirmed Covid cases in the UK is now one of the highest in the world. According to the Huffington Post cases among older people are seven times higher than in neighbouring European [...]
‘I see no ships’ is reputedly what Admiral Nelson said in 1801 at the battle of Copenhagen when he deliberately held a telescope to his blind eye. He didn’t want to acknowledge a flag signal [...]
Risk blindness and risk denial are not just found in the boardroom, they also feature in government as well. The supply chain crisis now unravelling through a shortage of key workers like lorry [...]
Understanding Probability is the most important aspect of risk analysis……..probably. A case could also be made for Severity, but is this really valid? Whether you employ a five-point scale from [...]
A diverse board is often praised by regulators and investors as evidence of both inclusion and fair representation at the top level of any organisation. But is diversity really welcome if it [...]
Diversity means different things to different boards: if yours is mainly white, male and middle-aged this means promoting women, ethnic minorities and youth for balance. Is this [...]
Risk Management as a discipline is well established yet boards frequently fail to see or act on risk which ultimately leads to crisis. Is this a failure of process, people or perception? There is [...]