‘I have never yet seen a risk register that was fit for purpose’ is a sentiment with which I have a lot of sympathy, but confidentiality forbids me from attributing its [...]
Imagine you are on a window ledge ten feet above the ground, if you jump there is a risk you may break your leg or at best sprain an ankle; your appetite for this risk is low so why jump if you [...]
No government has a template for the perfect exit from lockdown; everyone is experimenting cautiously while there remains no cure for Covid-19. Exit too late and economic damage is too costly, [...]
Exiting from lockdown is a political nightmare demanding complex risk decisions. The Treasury and business leaders want to get the economy working as soon as possible so lobby for early exit; [...]
One vital lesson from the Coronavirus response will be the way risk is assessed and mitigated, especially those risks recognised as high impact but low frequency. These we tend to call Black Swan [...]